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Imba is an open-source programming language we created specifically for building web apps. It compiles to JavaScript and works inside the existing JS ecosystem, meaning you can use it with Node, npm, and Webpack.

Imba是我们专门为构建Web应用程序而创建的一种开源编程语言。 它可以编译为JavaScript并在现有的JS生态系统中运行,这意味着您可以将其与Node,npm和Webpack一起使用。

The big benefit with Imba is that it results in much faster apps than if you were to use virtual DOM-based libraries like React and Vue. The increased speed is thanks to how Imba handles DOM updates, which my cofounder and Imba creator .

Imba的最大好处是,与使用基于虚拟DOM的库(如React和Vue)相比,它可产生更快的应用程序。 速度的提高归功于Imba处理DOM更新的方式,我的联合创始人兼Imba创造者 。

I’ve been using Imba myself the past few years, and it’s indeed a pleasant language to work with, as the syntax is cleaner than JavaScript, which improves the readability of the code.


Throughout this article I’ll teach you how to start developing simple Imba apps on your own. We’ll start off with some syntax before we move onto creating user interfaces. Finally, I’ll help you get set up on your machine so that you can continue hacking on your own.

在整篇文章中,我将教你如何开始自己开发简单的Imba应用。 在继续创建用户界面之前,我们将从一些语法开始。 最后,我将帮助您在计算机上进行设置,以便您可以继续自己进行黑客攻击。

使用Imba的项目 (Projects using Imba)

But before we jump into code, I want to point out that this isn’t just an obscure language used in hobby projects. Imba powers mission-critical apps for large companies as well.

但是在我们进入代码之前,我想指出的是,这不仅仅是业余项目中使用的一种晦涩的语言。 Imba还为大型公司提供关键任务应用程序。

One example is the on Iceland. As fish is a big deal on Iceland, this market accounts for 1.6% of the country’s economy — roughly US $390 million.

一个例子是冰岛的 。 由于鱼类在冰岛很重要,该市场占该国经济的1.6%,约合3.9亿美元。

So Imba actually handles 1.6% Iceland’s GDP!

Secondly, the entire learning platform is built with Imba, both the front-end and the back-end. It’s a complex app which is highly dependent upon Imba’s speedy DOM reconciliation.

其次,整个学习平台构建,包括前端和后端。 这是一个复杂的应用程序,高度依赖于Imba的快速DOM对帐。

So the language you’ll learn today can both help you build large-scale production applications and smaller side-projects.


Let’s get started!


语法 (The syntax)

The Imba syntax has a lot of similarities with JavaScript, but it’s also influenced by Ruby and Python. It’s easy to pick up along the way, so let’s start with an example. Below you’ll see a simple JavaScript function which returns the largest of two numbers, or false if they’re equal:

Imba语法与JavaScript有很多相似之处,但是它也受Ruby和Python的影响。 一路上很容易拿起,所以让我们从一个例子开始。 在下面,您将看到一个简单JavaScript函数,该函数返回两个数字中的最大值,如果相等则返回false:

Now let’s translate this into Imba:


Just by looking at the two examples, you can probably deduct some core differences between Imba and JavaScript:


  1. function → def. First off, the function keyword has been renamed to def.

    功能→定义 首先, function关键字已重命名为def

  2. No parentheses. Also, the function parameters aren’t wrapped in parentheses. You’ll actually rarely need parentheses in Imba, but you can use it if you’d like to.

    没有括号。 另外,函数参数也不用括号括起来。 实际上,在Imba中几乎不需要括号,但是如果需要,可以使用它。

  3. Indentations. Imba is indentation-based. This means we don’t need to use curly brackets, which saves space.

    缩进。 Imba是基于缩进的。 这意味着我们不需要使用大括号,从而节省了空间。

  4. No return. In Imba, returns are implicit, meaning we don’t have to write return. Imba automatically returns the last expression of the function.

    没有回报。 在Imba中, return是隐式的,这意味着我们不必编写return 。 Imba自动返回该函数的最后一个表达式。

Neither of these is the most important aspect of Imba, but together they make the code less verbose than JavaScript. This benefit will become clearer as we progress through this article.

这些都不是Imba的最重要方面,但是它们一起使代码不如JavaScript冗长。 随着本文的逐步进行,这种好处将变得更加明显。

建立用户界面 (Building user interfaces)

Let’s move onto creating user interfaces. This is actually what Imba is built for. This means that DOM nodes are embedded into the language as so called first class citizens.

让我们继续创建用户界面。 这实际上就是Imba的目的。 这意味着DOM节点以所谓的头等公民身份嵌入到该语言中

If you’re coming from React world, you can look at it as if Imba has its own version of JSX built into the language.

Consider the following code in React, which simply renders a button, and logs something to the console when it’s clicked:


If we rewrite this example to Imba we’ll get the following:


Take a moment to compare the two. There are three things I want you to notice:

花一点时间比较一下两者。 我要您注意三件事:

  1. Tags are native. Theclass App extends React.Component has been translated into the much simpler tag App. This is because tag is a native part of the Imba language. This is true for both DOM tags and custom tags.

    标签是本地的。 class App extends React.Component已被翻译成更简单的tag App 。 这是因为tag是Imba语言的本机部分。 DOM标签和自定义标签都适用。

  2. No closing tags. As we’re indenting, we don’t need to close off our tags (e.g. </button>). This saves us a lot of typing and space.

    没有结束标签。 在缩进时,我们不需要关闭标签(例如</butt on>)。 这为我们节省了大量打字和空间。

  3. Simple class syntax. Adding classes is simple in Imba. Instead of the cumbersome className="container" we simply add a .container to the tag itself.

    简单的类语法。 在Imba中添加类很简单。 代替繁琐的className="container"我们只需向标签本身添加.container即可。

You might also have noticed that the event handler is different. We do :tap.logOut as opposed to onClick={this.logOut}. This is just one of several ways to handle user inputs in Imba, which you can read more about if you’re interested.

您可能还已经注意到,事件处理程序有所不同。 我们使用:tap.logOut而不是onClick={this.logOut} 。 这只是在Imba中处理用户输入的几种方式之一,如果您感兴趣的话,可以了解更多信息。

处理数据 (Handling data)

Now, let’s have a look at how Imba handles data. In the example below, I’ve modified our app to include a count variable in the App component’s state. This variable will be increased or decreased depending on which button the user clicks.

现在,让我们看一下Imba如何处理数据。 在下面的示例中,我修改了我们的应用程序,使其在App组件的状态中包含一个count变量。 根据用户单击哪个按钮,此变量将增加或减少。

Here’s how the rewrite looks in Imba:


The most striking difference is the amount of code.


The Imba example is around half the size, both in lines of code and number of characters.

While lines of code certainly is a shallow comparison, the readability of a codebase is important. Fewer lines, fewer characters and fewer symbols make the Imba example easier to read than React.

虽然代码行肯定是比较浅的比较,但是代码库的可读性很重要。 更少的行,更少的字符和更少的符号使Imba示例比React更易于阅读。

内隐自我 (Implicit self)

One thing you also might have noticed is that we accessed our instance variable directly through count, as opposed to React, where we use this.state.count in order fetch the value.


In Imba, we could have done self.count. However, the self is implicit, so we don’t need to write it. Imba checks if there’s either a count variable in the scope, or ifcount exists as an instance variable on App itself.

在Imba中,我们可以完成self.count 。 但是, self是隐式的,因此我们不需要编写它。 Imba会检查范围内是否存在count变量,或者count是否作为App本身的实例变量存在。

变异性 (Mutability)

Another big difference between the two examples above is how they treat state changes. In the Imba example, the state is mutable, as we simply change it — the count variable — directly.

上面两个示例之间的另一个大区别是它们如何处理状态变化。 在Imba示例中,状态是可变的,因为我们只需直接更改它( count变量)即可。

This follows an opposing pattern than React, where this.state is to be treated as immutable, and the only way to change it is through this.setState.

与React相比,这是相反的模式,在这里, this.state被视为不可变的,唯一的更改方法是通过this.setState

You can use an immutable library along with Imba if you prefer that. It’s actually agnostic in that sense. At Scrimba we use mutability, as we don’t think the costs of going immutable is worth it.

如果愿意,可以将不可变库与Imba一起使用。 从这个意义上说,它实际上是不可知的。 在Scrimba,我们使用可变性,因为我们认为不可变的代价并不值得。

在本地设置Imba (Setting up Imba locally)

Now that you’ve learned the basics, it’s about time you start coding for yourself, so let’s get you set up on your local machine. Simply follow these four steps, and you’ll be good to go:

现在,您已经学习了基础知识,是时候开始为自己编写代码了,现在让我们在本地计算机上进行设置。 只需遵循以下四个步骤,您就会很高兴:

git clone https://github.com/somebee/hello-world-imba.git
cd hello-world-imba
npm install
npm run dev

Navigate to and you’ll see your project. Open src/client.imba to start modifying the app.

导航到 ,您将看到您的项目。 打开src / client.imba开始修改应用程序。

Alternatively, if you want to get started without setting it up locally you can use


英巴的速度 (The speed of Imba)

Before we round off, let’s also look at Imba’s speed. This reason it’s so incredibly fast is actually because it isn’t following the virtual DOM implementation which React has made popular. It’s using something it calls the Memoized DOM instead, which is simpler and more direct way of doing it.

在四舍五入之前,让我们先看看Imba的速度。 之所以如此之快是因为它没有遵循React流行的虚拟DOM实现。 它使用的是称为Memoized DOM的东西,这是一种更简单,更直接的方式。

In the below, we count how many DOM operations we’re able to do per second through performing a live test alongside Vue and React. The three libraries do the exact same thing, which is to modify a todo-list thousands of times.

在下面的中,我们计算通过与Vue和React一起执行实时测试,每秒能够执行多少DOM操作。 这三个库执行的操作完全相同,这就是修改待办事项列表数千次。

As you can see, Imba actually handles 20–30 times more operations than React and Vue.

So Imba is fast. Really fast.

所以Imba很快。 真快。

围捕 (Rounding up)

There are many other things to learn about Imba, so I’d recommend you to visit the For example, its concepts of getters/setters and implicit invocations are important to get a grasp of. The learning curve might be a bit steep in the beginning, but that’s just how it is. Everything worth doing in life requires a little bit of pain and effort ;)

关于Imba还有很多其他的事情要学习,因此我建议您访问 例如,它的getter / setter和隐式调用的概念对于掌握它很重要。 一开始的学习曲线可能会有些陡峭,但这就是事实。 生活中一切值得做的事情都需要一点点的痛苦和努力;)

In the next article, I’ll cover some of the more advanced features. to be notified when that time comes.

在下一篇文章中,我将介绍一些更高级的功能。 以便在该时间通知您。

Good luck and happy coding!


Thanks for reading! My name is Per Borgen, I'm the co-founder of – the easiest way to learn to code. You should check out our if want to learn to build modern website on a professional level.

谢谢阅读! 我叫Per Borgen,我是的共同创始人–学习编码的最简单方法。 如果要学习以专业水平构建现代网站,则应查看我们的 。




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